Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Seven Ires of Hernias

Remember Junior school reading logs? Being a good little nerd, I would always read more books than necessary and hand mine in on time. My evil genius brother on the other hand could not be stuffed. He decided to make up his own books and then review them. Evidently, this was before the proliferation of the Internet, hence there were no Sparknotes to copy or Google for teachers to check. 

There was a trick to it. You had to read some actual books or else it would be too obvious. The night before the log was due, my brother would sit at his tiny desk and fudge it his 10 year old mind's content. He got away with it every time. This is probably the most memorable title:
And so began my brother's career in forgery.

What's the most hilarious thing you've faked?