Monday, September 6, 2010

Running for junk

So... I know it's been a long time but I managed to complete the City2Surf on a very swollen ankle. Took 87 minutes. Never in my life have I drunk so much Gatorade or brushed past so many sweaty people-yummy.

It was strange when I finished. I felt like I could keep going like that Milo ad. I wasn't out of breath, wasn't sore, just numb-makes me think that I could possibly run a half marathon. After I finished, I managed to find 5 out of 6 friends that I started with. As usual I was starving so I decided to cancel out all the exercise by eating a Burger at the North Bondi Club, a sausage sizzle and  then a plate of fish and chips. Can you believe that sometimes I wonder why it's hard for me lose some weight.