I was watching 'The Circle' this morning because the television at my gym only tunes into channel 10. Ian 'Dicko' Dickson the guest host, bagged out pretty much every current women's fashion trend. I mostly agreed with him. If a king such as MC Hammer can't pull off the harem, no way in hell can the average Jane. If people wear loose clothing to hide something, wearing a crotch so low can only connote an unpleasant form of incontinence.
Dicko proceeded to claim that he likes ladies with bums( who doesn't) and I could just tolerate his preference for the tacky t-bar sticking up over the jeans. However, I will not let a guy by the name of 'Dicko' who probably has a stylist but still dresses like every other Tom, Dick and Harry, tell me a muffin top is hot. Sometimes I prefer a gal being Harry High pants because I do NOT want to see someone's excess flesh jutting out and flubbing me hello. Just like they wouldn't want to see little Dicko jutting out and flopping hello.
Sorry about the imagery and the image, I'll leave you this to help you forget you ever saw.